Thursday, May 28, 2009
Updated Drawings
- modules are now 24' x 40'
- developed elevations
- developed interior plan (shell and entry, not space planning)
- reiko has been working on sections--her drawings and mine should be coordinated at some point.
Number of Boards
2. Presentation Board @ 24"x36" (REQUIRED)
The presentation board should clearly display the entrant's approach. The classroom planning and design, approach to sustainability and material use should be included.
Additionally, the organizers will use this image as the primary board to display in exhibitions, publications and in community meeting in the field. This board MUST be the first image to appear in the slideshow for jurying purposes.
The file should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_01_mainboard (i.e. XXX_01_mainboard)
What we have So far...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The two boards we are thinking of...
First is the main one, where it describe our idea, the building. So it will have a super duper section/axon, exploded what ever sexiness. Then a series of shots of models or elevations on the left, and 200 words description of building at bottom.
Second is the one integrated to site. So lets put everything Pescadero in it with beautiful renderings of the site done in SketchUp and Maxwell as the main picture, series of floor plans on the right, images of our interaction with kids, text describing our process, and the school.
Schedule (this is mostly for me...)
Today, Section. Fine tune floor plans,
Wednesday bring the elements together and put in details.
Thurseday building and site model finished. (Can't work)
Friday, rendering. (Can't work)
Saturday submittal. (Can work except for a few hours from 1pm)
Sunday... whatever is left over...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
rear elevation
Side elevation
i'm going to try another one where the green and circulation are reorganized elsewhere...
lemme know if these are helpfull at all, or direction you read into them.
tomorrow i have a little bit of work to do and some errands to run, but i can meet much earlier than usual... talk to you all soon
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Floor plan diagrams
I found out that after splitting the unit up in two halves vertically creates a class with an 'outie' and a class with an 'innie'. This seems more interesting and takes advantage of the shape of the unit rather than to split the classroom up horizontally in mirroring classes. This creates two very different feels of a classroom and relationships to the outside. Where one class may have one integral deck or outdoorspace, and the other has two. The drawback is that it doesn't have a centralized space, so the classroom arrangement is geared more towards smaller nooks. The relationship of the outdoors of each classroom is very clear.
I don't think this one works.
This seems to work. Although, it seems more chaotic. This splits the unit up horizontally. It seems like the resultant classroom has more potential within itself for different classroom arrangements.
Please give me comments. Time is short, so I'm going to keep going and hope that the work that I do is something useful. Also... this is the line up of the diagrams. If you see anything you like, or would like to do your own diagrams please do so and post on the blog!
Basic Dimensions
24' x 30' classroom (with 24 kids)
60x93 ADA Bathrooms
Our site is in Zone A6 so it is in a Special Flood Hazard Area. I think we should match the existing buildings for height above grade. My assumption is that "A6" means the first floor needs to be 6' above the base flood elevation (37') on the map. So here's my logic: Based on the existing buildings with 7 risers (prob about 49") this implies the site is graded up about 2'. Attached is the FIRM (Flood insurance Rate MAp from FEMA.
Modular Classroom
I think that this is sort of like the direction that we want to go towards... Develop a prototype that can also be applicable on site.
I am hoping that our prototype would be more integrated to the surroundings. We can achieve this by desiging outdoor area within the classrooms.
Division VII Building Regulations- for County of San Mateo, Unincorporated Areas
diagram of site plan
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Submission Requirements
Submission Requirements
File Upload Instructions
The period for work submission is January 28, 2009 – June 1, 2009.
Competition entrants must be members of the Open Architecture Network and register to enter the competition. Projects must be posted on the Open Architecture Network by June 1, 2009 at Midnight (PST) in order to be juried.
The submission should be original in content.
All entries must be submitted without identifying marks, including logos, text, insignia, or images on the display surface that could be used to identify the submission’s authors.
All digital files must be submitted to the “Files” tab of competition entries on the Open Architecture Network. All file names should include the Challenge Entry ID Number assigned during registration (e.g., [entrant ID number]_[imagename].jpg). Please contact us immediately if you are having trouble uploading your files.
Image format: All Required image files must be 3000 pixels x 2000 pixels (15in x 10in @ 200 DPI) in JPEG, PNG or GIF format. And presentation boards should be 24in x 36in at a minimum of 200dpi.
Units: All dimensions, though not required, should be in meters.
- Project Description Text (REQUIRED)
All text on the entry must be included in the text field on the entry page and on a text file uploaded to the files tab. Project admins can add or change this text by clicking the edit button in the top left corner of the page. This should be a full description of your proposed design (200 word minimum), including a list of materials used in the construction of your proposed design.
The files should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_00_textdescription.doc
- Presentation Board (REQUIRED)
The presentation board should clearly display the entrant's approach. The classroom planning and design, approach to sustainability and material use should be included.
Additionally, the organizers will use this image as the primary board to display in exhibitions, publications and in community meeting in the field. This board MUST be the first image to appear in the slideshow for jurying purposes.
The file should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_01_mainboard (i.e. XXX_01_mainboard)
- Building Plan(s) (REQUIRED)
This building plan does not have to be to scale but should accurately portray the floor plan(s) of your proposed classroom. If you are proposing a multi-story classroom please include the respective number of building plan files.
The file should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_02_buildngplan_XX (i.e. XXX_02_buildingplan_01; XXX_02_buildingplan_02)
- Building Elevation(s) (REQUIRED)
This building elevation does not have to be to scale but should accurately portray the elevation(s) of your proposed classroom.
The file should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_03_elevation_XX (i.e. XXX_03_elevation_01; XXX_03_elevation_02)
- Building Section(s) (REQUIRED)
This building section does not have to be to scale but should accurately portray section(s) through your proposed classroom and show intended materials and lighting techniques.
The file should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_04_section_XX (i.e. XXX_04_section_1; XXX_04_section_2)
- Student feedback documentation (STONGLY RECOMMENDED)
As part of the Open Architecture Challenge, we are asking designers to work with students, teachers and schools to design the classroom of the future. We want to see how you engaged your class. Documentation may come in many different forms, including student artwork, video, photographs and completed questionnaires. You may submit images, text, video files, renderings, or any other file type supported by the Open Architecture Network.
The file(s) should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_05_participation_XX (i.e. XXX_05_participation_01; XXX_05_participation_02)
You can do either a 2D or 3D CAD file. If you are creating a two-dimensional drawing please include plans and elevations in the file. You and other users of the Open Architecture Network are able to view and comment on .DXF files inline using AutoDesk Freewheel.
Format: .DWG, .DXF or .SKP
The file should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_CAD (i.e. XXX_CAD)
- School/Site plan (OPTIONAL)
A plan of the school and/or site plan is not required. You may wish to include these drawings to show how you incorporated your classroom design into the context of your school.
The file should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_06_siteplan (i.e. XXX_06_siteplan)
- Additional Rendering and Supplemental Images (OPTIONAL)
Entrants are invited to submit not more than two supplemental files. There is no restriction on the style or content of supplemental images. For example, applicants may scan photos of a model, hand-drawn sketches, ink drawings, 3D computer graphic renderings, or web animations. There is no restriction on the style or content of documentation. Supplemental files must be uploaded to your project page on the Open Architecture Network. You may submit images, text, video files, renderings, or any other file type supported by the Open Architecture Network.
The file(s) should be named/saved as: [entrant ID number]_07_supplementalimage_01 and [entrant ID number]_07_supplementalimage_02 accordingly.
File List Synopsis
[entrant ID number]_00_textdescription.doc
[entrant ID number]_01_mainboard
[entrant ID number]_02_buildingplan_XX
[entrant ID number]_03_elevation_XX
[entrant ID number]_04_section_XX
[entrant ID number]_05_participation_XX
[entrant ID number]_CAD
[entrant ID number]_06_siteplan
[entrant ID number]_07_supplementalimage_XX
How to submit
Once you have gathered the required text and image files and uploaded them to the Open Architecture Network, you may make Edits and changes until the Submission Deadline.
Starting June 2, 2009 jury members will view submissions. Entrants will NOT be allowed to Edit any project details or files once they have been submitted to the jury. Editing may resume after the competition is complete and a winning design has been selected in the fall of 2009. If we have any trouble reading or opening your entry, competition organizers will notify you.